Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Revit Revit Revit

I just recently finished the Building Information Modeling course I took this summer to learn Revit. The class assignment was to choose a recently built project with a unique structure or form and/or intricate detailing and to model a portion of the building in Revit with parametric components.

Coming from a sketchup and rhino modeling background and having only used Revit very briefly before this class, I was unaware what I was getting into. The project that I chose was the Paul Klee Center in Bern, Switzerland by Renzo Piano; the building is essentially 3 consecutive parabolic waves which jut out of a hillside, creating a roof for and differentiating the programmatic functions of the center (a multi-purpose community area, exhibition space, and administration).

Revit makes it very easy to model and draw standard building conventions, however it was certainly a struggle to make Revit do what I wanted it to do for this building. I had to basically create the roof and topography in Rhino and then intersect the forms at intervals to get 2d curves which I could then bring into revit to trace and create surfaces which could be manipulated. Panel-based components and adaptive components were my best friends for this project. Below are the drawings of the project as it is now.

After about 2 months of frustration and having to re-do things over and over to try different methods, I think I have final begun to understand what Revit likes and doesn't like. Even though Revit makes it a challenge to draw anything other than a box, I do like how it organizes the project and creates an efficient workflow. It is nice to set-up drawing views and then be able to see them develop in real-time as you make changes. Hopefully the hours of frustration I've put into learning this software of the summer will help me to produce drawings and renderings a lot quicker on my next projects.


  1. For students and professionals merely initiating with Revit Training work is incredibly valuable.

  2. hello , do yo know something about the sanitary system of the proyect, i really need the information

  3. Hi, is this revit model available for download as a study model?

  4. Hi, how exactly did you draw the structure in rhinoceros?
